Advice Centre

BIA operates an Advice Centre and offers Advice on the following matters:

Immigration Advice

Immigration Advice and information in all areas of leave to enter or remain in the UK, visitor’s visa, spouse & dependent visa, student’s visa, applications under the points-based system, permanent residency, European applications, and nationality. Further casework is charged at a nominal fee. For more information speak to the Immigration Advisor at your appointment.

BIA is registered with the Offices of Immigration Services Commissioner to provide advice up to Level 2 for Immigration issues.

Social Welfare Law

BIA provides legal advice in all areas of Social Welfare Law including Benefits, Housing, Education, Employment, Disability, Marital and Family Issues, and Legal Matters.

Counselling Service

One to One counseling service provided by a qualified counselor on Domestic Violence, Mental Health, Matrimonial, Drugs, and Alcohol.

Legal Advice by Barrister Bhavin Patel

Advice and information on all legal matters except employment law.

Contact us for more details

You may be required to be a member to avail some of our services.

Call on 0208 903 3019